Monday, February 6, 2012

Infants Introduction

Congrats!  You have a new baby.  Now what?  Although it seems like babies don’t do a whole lot of anything their minds are growing at astounding rates.  Everything you do or say they are observing and taking in. 

Because I know that having a baby can really strain the budget here are 5 no or low cost ideas for you to do with your infant.

1.  Read!  Read!  Read!  This is one of the most important things you can do for your baby.  Read anything.  It doesn’t have to be baby book.  Those are fun.  But, the most important thing is to read.  Read your magazine or novel out loud as you nurse or relax with baby. 

2.  Talk - Talking is almost as important as reading.  Talk to your baby about what you are doing.  “Let’s put your foot in here so we can get your pants on.”  Hearing the language that he or she will eventually speak can help your baby learn the language. 

3.  Massage- You don’t need to take your baby to a massage therapist.  When you are applying baby lotion gently rub her legs and arms.  This helps to stimulate circulation and is also a great bonding experience.

4.  Music- Play music.  Sing songs.  Babies are used to lots of noise.  Think about all the sounds she heard while in your tummy, heart beat, blood flowing, etc.  Play your favorite music or music arranged especially for baby.

5.  Look- Look at your baby.  This may seem silly.  But babies learn with their senses, including sight.  Your baby will learn who you are by sight.  Make faces and have fun.  Your baby may not respond right away, but she will be learning about you!  Eventually you may get a smile or your baby may even mimic your expressions.

These are very simple, inexpensive ideas to help you and your newborn get to know each other.  The most important thing to remember is your baby is learning everything from you!